Sunday 19 April 2015

The Week Before Filming: Belated Update!

The week leading up to filming was a busy time for us as we attempted to get everything ready to go.  At this point we still hadn't cast our main lead, we hadn't sourced any materials yet for our Art Team to work with, the previs was still incomplete and ultimately we were very behind on schedule.
For me, this meant jumping into a lot of departments to try and help out and take some of the pressure off.

I spent Monday trying to source Materials, but since my group was based in town we didn't have a lot of luck.  Fortunately some of the other groups ended up with much better hauls than us, and the Art Team was able to get started.  I didn't have much to do with prop making etc this year, aside from doing some painting of a set and sewing patches onto jackets for costuming.  I also took measurements of the cast for the art team, as I have a couple of years experience with that kind of thing.

We would have been pretty stuck without a main lead so one of the other tasks I took on was to look through all of the casting call footage for any actors that could be cast as a brother or sister alternative.  Luckily we managed to find someone, and he was cast as Thai- in this case Mia's brother.

Over the rest of the week I talked with our director to go over the storyboards.  We had found that in some scenes there were simply not enough shots to cover the action and the dialogue, and that there were some continuity issues which needed to be sorted.  I then sat down with the previs team to talk through the changes and go over each shot with them.

Finally, I got stuck into my own jobs.  I finished off the risk assessment and hazard management for our shoot, went on a test shoot to suss out any other hazards that might arise due to the intended camera placements etc, and got stuck into scheduling and call sheets. 

Scene breakdowns using Scenechronize

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