Sunday 19 April 2015

Non- Dialogue Films

I've made a point of trying to watch some non-dialogue films over the last month.  Here's a few that I've seen recently.  It's kind of difficult to find films without dialogue unless they are animations (which often don't have dialogue), as often this isn't something a film is tagged by. 

Visually beautiful. Even as someone new to film I noticed the nice camera work and compositions.   The story is quite abstract, but is emotionally effective- in no small part due to the score.

Heartstrings from Rhiannon Evans on Vimeo.

This is a simple story about relationships and forgiveness. I thought that the simple stylistic choices suited the story well, and I was really impressed by the smoothness of the stop-motion animation. In the absence of dialogue, the music was used to portray the emotional context of each scene. While heartstrings is a neat little film, I felt that the story and solution is pretty cliched.

The Windmill Farmer from Joaquin Baldwin on Vimeo.

I really enjoyed the visual style, and thought that the idea was really creative!

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