Monday 27 April 2015

The Script Read Through

For Screenwriting last week we spent some time reading each others scripts.  Out loud.  To say it's a bit cringe-worthy to hear your own work read back to you is a bit of an understatement.  All the little mistakes, or big mistakes, that you wanted to forget about brought to your attention.

But then, I guess that's how we get better at something.  Hearing my script didn't tell me anything I didn't already know about it.  But it could have.  There might have been some part of it that I was blind to, or that I had swept under the rug; refusing to see.

It was really nice to hear everyone else's screenplays though.  Not for the same reason that it was good to hear your own but simply because it's fun to see what other people have come up with and to see the different ideas and styles of writing.

I'm looking forward to hearing the last few this week. 


  1. Yes, it can be quite confronting! In reflection, what do you think you could have done better?

  2. Well I spent a fair bit of time working on the writing and trying to make it very visual, and I think that came across well. However my story itself was a bit lacking at times and I had some trouble with keeping the creative juices flowing after a certain point. Maybe allowing a bit more time for brainstorming in the early stages would have been a good move, as too often I find myself waiting for inspiration to strike than actively seeking it. I wasn't satisfied with the ending of my script, so this might have been a way to remedy that before I got too far with the story.
