Monday 27 April 2015

Memory Refresher: Human Modelling

I figured I might as well toss this up here.  I haven't modeled a human character since 2nd year so was feeling a bit rusty and thought I better get in a little practice.

5 min Base model in Maya

This was just a 5 min job in Maya to practice getting the basic topography correct when modelling people.  There are a couple of reasons behind this. 

1) 48 Hours is coming up this weekend and our animation team has been entertaining the idea of tackling a 3D project. 

2) John is currently learning to model people, and seeing him working on his character makes me want to do it too.  Plus this way I can make sure any guidance I offer him is actually correct. 

3) Some of the upcoming modules in my Game development course cover 3D modelling, but I figured with the reasons above in play that I might as well get a slight head start.     

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