Sunday 29 March 2015

Taken: Paradigms

I realized that I had this saved as a draft and hadn't actually posted it!

After our look at Blake Snyder and John Truby's Paradigms I attempted to apply them to the film Taken (2008), which I watched over that same weekend.  I found that many of the major beats matched up with Blake Snyder's version somewhat but that there were some that didn't.  I had a harder time applying the 22 steps, so they either didn't apply as well or I possibly found it harder to reassign the plot points to the different structure after doing Blake Snyder's version first. 

My incomplete attempt to apply Blake Snyder and John Truby's Paradigms to Taken (2008)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for trying, Sarah! The purpose of the exercise was to illustrate first-hand how inflexible some of these paradigms can be! Thanks!
