Sunday 8 March 2015

Small Colossus Media is Born!

As part of my Graduate Diploma I will be taking part in this years collaborate project, but this time as a film student rather than an animator.

There have been a few other changes from last year too, with more flexibility in terms of what we will actually be creating.  It has been put to the group to decide whether we want to make a game cinematic, film teaser or trailer, or web series concept.  In the last couple of weeks the majority of of group were leaning towards the film teaser, but personally I felt that it was almost irrelevant without a concept to work from.  In fact the strictest guideline is the one I feel is most important- a 2minute restriction on the length of whatever we make.  This is definitely going us out and hopefully keep us from biting off more than we can chew.     

Well, a couple of weeks in and we have a clear direction in which our story is going and a good base concept.  While there is definitely some tweaks needed in terms of character and story I think we are off to a really good start, and it's awesome how engaged everyone is with the project.  I think there is a nice dynamic going so far within the group.

The other main decision that has been made is the assignment of roles.  This year I will be the 1st AD (Assistant Director).  This is a pretty important role, both on and off set in terms of keeping everything running on track, so is pretty exciting as it will push me outside my comfort zone while also feeling do-able to me.  There is going to be a bit of a learning curve for me, as I'm going to need to learn to use some new software. 

While I know a fair bit from being on set and observing what went on last year I decided it would pay to do a bit of research into this role and the responsibilities I will have.

Key points include:
  • Creating filming schedules
  • Script Breakdowns
  • Daily Call sheets
  • Co-coordinating production activities (keeping everything on schedule)
  • Health and Safety  
  • Hazard Management       
Essentially- making sure that everyone is on track and where they need to be.

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