Sunday 29 March 2015

An Engaging Character - an Engaging Film?

This week we talked in class about what we thought made an engaging film.  We came up with the following:
  1. Characters that we care for
  2. A Plot which is:
    • Logical and true to the established rules of the world that the story is set in. 
    • Avoids Deux Machina
    • Surprising and avoids predictability, troupes and cliches
  3. Universal Themes & issues that resonate with the audience
Deux Machina, refers to the use of convenient coincidences or other plot cheats to get your character out of trouble.  These should be avoided as the are generally lazy storytelling.  If luck or coincidences are used within your story then it should only be in the form of misfortune dumped upon your characters, which they should use their own resources to get out of.  

 We decided that engaging characters were the most important element.  This means that the character should have wants and needs, as well as relationships with others. 

1 comment:

  1. Any thoughts on the improvised scenes? Did this reinforce any principles for you?
