Sunday 22 March 2015

Scripts, Greenscreens and PledgeMes!

We've had a pretty good week for decision making.  At the end of last week we brought two script ideas to the table for a vote on which we wanted to create.  This was the script that Kim had written from our group scriptwriting session and the script that Callum had developed.

We were really lucky to have two good ideas with heaps of potential to choose from, so we decided to sleep on it and reconvene later.  We held our vote on Tuesday and went with the majority who voted for Kim's Script.  For this past week the script has been reworked and further developed so with a few more minor tweaks to solve a couple of problems we will very soon have our final script.

In the meantime the storyboard artists are getting stuck into thumbnails and discussions are beginning to happen between the Director, Art and VFX to work out the breakdowns of real vs CG which will help us out moving forward.

My role as 1st AD will soon be underway once our shots have been decided.  In the meantime I've just been helping out wherever needed and have been asked to help out the Production Team.

This mornings task was the cleaning of the Greenscreen.  The Greenscreen had unfortunately been left in a bit of a state after its use on a few projects last year, and had been packed away dirty.  The production team (+ me XD ) spent an hour and a half spot cleaning the greenscreen with just rags and water, and thankfully it cleaned up pretty easily.

Cleaning the greenscreen

I've also been working on a few odd jobs for Production, such as making templates and sending out emails. 

Availability Template

I'm also starting to do some research for our PledgeMe campaign.  Iris has set the ball rolling by finding this awesome reference:

Emily Best of Seed&Spark has heaps of really good advice about crowdfunding in this interview.

In the above clip she talks about how we should SHOW our audience what we want to do, rather than just talking at them.   She also suggests showing what your cinematographer or actors can do by included a few shots of their other work if you don't have anything directly connected to the project.

Another suggestion was that people are more likely to contribute if they know exactly how their contribution will be used and what that means for the film.  She talks about this as a wishlist model, which has been incorporated as a tool unique to Seed&Spark's crowdfunding platform. 

She also talks about the need to build a crowd before crowdfunding.  Crowdfunding is not where you create your audience, you will succeed by building these connections outside of your funding.  If you want to bring strangers into your project and create a bigger audience it's really important to find your target audience and cater to them.


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