Monday 3 August 2015

The Inbetween: Developing a World

The Inbetween is set inside a network of minds, the world and its contents plucked from the minds of its inhabitants.  What exists in this world are things that are grounded in reality but warped in the same way that dreams or nightmares are.  The nature of this world creates a large diversity across different areas.  

Carrying on from this point the designs of this world need to be grounded in reality, but slightly confused.  Because the majority of the film plays out inside a giant mind network this gives me a lot of freedom in my designs but also presents the problem of how to keep different areas of the world connected.

For the main centre or hub of the world I’ve been looking at interesting old architecture, such as subway tunnels, train stations and churches. Busy, twisted, enclosed.  It should have a rich but broken look.  The area will have a warm colour palette and lighting but without being vibrant.  This is the area where people gather, where they feel safest, and the tone will reflect this.

Unfortunately this is difficult location-wise so will require a greenscreen shoot or compromise should a near suitable location be found. 

Here's a collection of images which give an idea of what I'm thinking for this area:

An important point in the concept is the idea that the majority of the film takes place in the minds of the characters.  What physically exists in this world is directly related what knowledge each character has.  An area I intend to use in the trailer is the treehouse.  It is a space within the world that reflects one of the characters, and their way of thinking.  It is more fantastical and warm than the other areas. Think greens, yellows and sunlight.  Currently this is only a minor area so I might considered looking for an actual location to film in, perhaps even a park or playground alternatively.

Last, but certainly not least I have the Void, an emptiness surrounding the maze-like Inbetween.  The Void will be shot completely on greenscreen.  It is cool, cold and dark with glimpses of bright coloured light.  The Void ripples like water.


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