Wednesday 22 July 2015

Format Madness! Short film, Feature Film, Webseries, Documentary or Television

During the break I decided I needed to get a concept locked down before we started back for this semester.  I'd had a few vague ideas here and there but nothing that I really felt that keen on.

I decided last term that I would aim to create a feature film trailer.  I would have liked to have something that felt like a finished film at the end of the year but as much as I have enjoyed the film papers I felt I would be doing myself a disservice to focus purely on film.

With the length of a short film as 8-15min I felt like I would need to focus purely on story and film in order to get a film completed.  No extras.

'Sticking' to the basics

Which to me seems like a waste of the last 3 years of study in animation.  Maybe I am just indecisive but I think I'm a generalist.  I haven't discovered a huge passion for any one thing in film or animation.  I like to do a mix of things.  I enjoy variation.  And I know that my picking up a camera and filming something with my current skill level isn't going to land me a job in the future.  If this film is something to kick start a career then it needs to be something that I can show as the result of not only this year but the previous three as well.

Hence the feature film trailer.  The intention being to incorporate VFX and live action.  This is going to be slightly more achievable within a 2 minute piece then in anything else, but because of the nature of trailers will still be really intense.      

I'm not entirely convinced I can pull this off.  It's a huge challenge and a huge workload.

Lying Fox. (TESLA, 2014)

Some things to consider that could help me out is locations and design.  If I can find locations that will work with my concept to film in, rather than needed to resort to Green Screen then the post-production workload will be significantly decreased.  Costume is another consideration.  If I can keep things relatively grounded in at least one area of design then things will be significantly simpler. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Sarah. Don't fear - I think that, give your background, you are one of the most qualified to tackle this kind of project!
