Wednesday 22 July 2015

Concept Development: The Inbetween

I was getting quite worried during the break as I tried to come up with an idea for my project this semester.  Nothing quite seemed to work- I was getting far to caught up in issues early on.  I had the option of developing my previous script, Kin but I didn't want to touch that concept for a while since I ended up writing the script like a stream of consciousness without having planned it out properly on the morning it was due.  I still like the concept but I need some space from that idea before I look at it again.

Finally, almost at the end of the break, I had an idea for a high concept for my feature film trailer.  It was an idea I had thought about before, then put aside.  More specifically, I thought of a setting.  The world I have created is The Inbetween- a place created from the memories and minds of its inhabitants.   It was too crazy, too hard to design, and what would the story be? What would the characters actually do? 

While I can see an alternative life for this world in web-series or TV drama; for this project I want to take the concept in a different direction.  I want to base this story more around things I can show, more action/adventure, less drama.  It'll also be aimed towards a younger audience- age 15-25 then my original idea. 

Although it probably won't appear in the trailer I don't want to spoil too much about the truth of this world.  My focus here isn't so much the overarching story of the world but how I can focus on a few characters and create character goals.

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