Wednesday 20 May 2015

Cinematography: Genre Exercise

For our group's Genre exercise we were assigned the action genre.

Our group started off by talking about Action films and what genre conventions we could think of.

We came up with:
  • High Shutter
  • Quick cuts
  • Shaky cam/ handheld shots
  • Close ups -usually combined with fast cuts
  • Use of very wide shots
  • Slow Motion
  • POV's
  • Sweeping camera 180°/360°s

Some action films we could look at include:
Saving Private Ryan, The Expendables, The Italian Job

Recent action films often have a large focus on VFX and include sub genre's such as the recent Super Hero films and Transformers franchise. 

Some common elements of the action film are stunts, fight scenes, chase sequences

1 comment:

  1. If you can slip in some VFX -- that would be great, but totally not expected!
