Tuesday 12 May 2015

When We Go to War

I watched the first episode of When we go to War last week.  Although it was on TV on Demand as a double episode (1&2) I found I could only sit through one episode.  Not because it was bad, far from it, but because I could only take in so much at once.

I think the series has been approached from a very clever angle by the writers, taking an important event in history and making it personal by using engaging characters and showing how the war changed their lives.    I felt that this first episode did a really good job of introducing these characters and their outlook on life and the war. 

At this point my favourite character is Bea.  This is probably in large part because she has had the most development so fair, and the largest part in the first episode.  The first episode introduces Bea, who is smart, hard working, and strong minded but also shows her softer side and vulnerabilities- she is afraid to disappoint her father.  These are all likeable qualities although I'm sure as the series goes on we will be introduced to more negative sides to her character, this is a drama afterall.

I disengaged from the episode part way, shortly into episode 2.  I don't think that there was anything that would keep me engaged any longer at that point and that it was more the length than anything related to the storytelling. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Sarah - sorry, I seemed to have missed this one!
