Wednesday 17 June 2015

Beast of Fawkes: Post Production Begins

I realized I haven't blogged about our Group Project for a while now!  I was really relieved that we manged to get our last couple of days filmed without TOO much drama, so just pushed things to the back of my mind.

With winter upon us we made the judgement call to postpone any further reshoots, with the potential to film them for our own satisfaction later in the year.  This was definitely a wise move as not only has the weather been less than ideal, we were also cutting deep into our post-production time.

Last week I jumped into the Keying and Roto team to help out.  We randomly assigned shots within the team and I ended up with one that needed a fair bit of work.

I ended up spending about two hour to get the roto up to its current standard- and it will likely need some more tweaking once the CG Plate is ready for compositing.  

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