Thursday 9 October 2014

Realflow Water Simulation

I realised I hadn't posted this up yet!  What a slacker.

Anyway this is my finished waterfall for the water simulation assignment.  Unfortunately the whole simulation didn't render on time, and it doesn't look like I'll have the chance to let it finish anytime soon.

This simulation used the Hybrido system in Realflow as I felt it gave the nicest flow.  Unfortunately it also gave incredibly slow simulations so I ran out of time to do some more tweaking to get the water speed looking more realistic.  At this point it kind of drips over the edge of the waterfall.  Probably due to the length of time taken to actually see results I didn't enjoy this assignment as much as some of the previous ones- although I think if I had started my final waterfall earlier and done a bit more research this would have helped.

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