Sunday 14 September 2014

One of those weeks

What follows is a rant.

So I have had a decidedly unconstructive week.  I started off the week well, working on my water simulation which was due soon.  I was reasonably happy with how it was looking.  But then the issues began.

First up I had a computer crash almost every night while simulating.  This meant that I lost simulation data and had to begin again.  Once I began to get closer to a decent amount of frames simulated the computer ran out of ram.

Meshing took longer than I thought it would, around 26hours before the computer crashed.  At this point I had had a headache for around 24hours which was developing into a migraine.  I decided that enough was enough.  I would just have to use what I had.  I still needed to mesh my foam and splashes so I set this going and headed home to rest.

So unfortunately my water simulation is one of those projects that I feel quite disappointed about.  Initially I really enjoyed working with realflow, but not allowing enough time to get everything right really soured the experience.

Between Realflow and headaches I didn't manage to hardly look at anything else this week!  How time flies when you are having frustrations.  Ok, rant over now.

On a more positive note I have the next version of the edit, and have heard that the sizzle reel is ready too!  I've started going through the new edit and am trying to make this a priority to get done so everyone can get started working on this, but I still need to match up some of the data to the shots.  This is going to take a bit longer than it should due to me confusing myself on set (I was working off the format used in the storyboards (S1S1) and matching each shot to the appropriate storyboard, the clapper was working from order of shooting (S1SA, S1SB), and the camera assist who wrote down some of the camera data for me the first day wrote in order of shooting (S1S1, S1S2).  

I could have saved myself some hassle if I had known beforehand that not all shots were going to be shot as per storyboards, and could have applied an ID system instead of focusing on shots.  I also didn't really realise how much change was going to happen in the editing phase, so S1S1 of the storyboards was no longer S1S1 of the film.  Hindsight is a wonderful thing- I now have a better idea of how I would approach data collection on a shoot like this one, and about some discussions that should have been had beforehand.

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