Monday 25 August 2014

Fire Simulations

A while back I finished my assignment for fire simulations.  For this assignment I experimented with the Maya plug-in of FumeFX to create a variety of different effects.

This reel shows the different test and experiments that I completed for this assignment.  I enjoyed experimenting with the different effects that could be created using Fumefx.  My favourites were the smoke hits, turbulent flame, and the particle explosions.

In my final render I composited 6 layers together. 3 FumeFx renders (4 nodes were used), a solid shatter on the glass of the windows, the render of the house from Maya and a background rendered from Vue.  Initially I had some trouble as I didn't know how to render the FumeFx elements so that they would be compositable with the house, but after some research I learnt how to create a hold out mask by changing the settings of the material on the house for these renders.   

I attempted to render a shadow pass to composite the house and background better but it didn't work out.

This is the final render.

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