Sunday 31 August 2014

Essimer Update

I've been making some progress on the Bones of Essimer project.  Slow progress but at least there is movement.

My first task was to sort out the Master sheet breakdown for the cinematic.  So far I've completed the first pass of this shot by shot breakdown, working from the rough cut edit.  Once we get the one minute sizzle reel I will need to look over this again, and match up the shot data with each breakdown.  My aim is to make all the information as straight forward as possible, as we will have our hands full getting this done.

Over the past few weeks I have also started working on modelling components for the buildings of Essimer.  I was a bit concerned about these as I had been reading up on modular environments and was worried about how the pieces of the buildings would fit together.  Because the walls of the huts slope inward slightly they wouldn't be completely rectangular like they were shown in the designs.  While some warping can be done on the square walls later to make them fit, providing this is done before texturing, I thought it would be better to try and get them right from the start so that we aren't working on detailed components only to distort them in less than beautiful ways.  The Maths to work this out is a bit out of my league at the moment though, so I decided to build a template hut that we could build components onto.  At the moment we are working on components made using both methods so this should give us plenty of variation.    

I also helped out with the packdown out at Lorneville, at the same time I took a camera out to take texture and reference photos of the sets which will be used to help tie in the appearance of the CG with the live action. 

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