Wednesday 19 March 2014

Pipeline Resources

 Information about the F55 and some of the options we will have for shooting on it. 

This site has heaps of information which looks like it could be useful.  The site has information on the supported file types for import and export from a lot of the software we are looking at including Nuke, Premiere, Avid and Resolve.  There are also some sample work flow suggestions and basic crash course information for each software. 

At this point I am still testing different Resolutions and Codecs to see what is going to work best with the software we have chosen. 

This is still up in the air as our editor wants to use Avid, but isn't confident with the software. 

Workflows to test:
Footage => Premiere => Nuke => Resolve => Premiere
Footage => Avid => Nuke => Resolve => Avid

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