Monday 10 March 2014

Interesting Cinematics

Whoops had a couple of posts sitting in my drafts- my bad.  Here's the first.

While doing some research I came across these cinematics which I thought were pretty neat.

Dead Island
This cinematic is a few years old now but I thought it was really well done.  The narrative is very strong and the use of reverse footage to tell the story is well integrated so not to feel gimmicky.  The way past and present meet and the constant switching between the two helps the audience to connect to the characters right from the offset.

This cinematic also benefits a lot from the music used, as it helps the audience connect to the emotional side of the story rather then just the violent scenes.

Bioshock 2:
Another older one.   I really like the first half of this cinematic, but feel that when it switches to first person view it focuses too much on showing the gameplay style.  While this is still high quality I think this could be better incorporated to make the whole trailer more cinematic, rather then having a distinctive split. 

As with most of the work from Blur Studio this cinematic is very beautiful, in particular the environment and and textures or the characters.

Bioshock: Infinite
Really amazing world and textures, but not so clear in storytelling. More abstract.

The Last of Us:
These cinematics have a really strong sense of story and character but don't skimp out on the visuals either.  Also the voice acting is brilliant.

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