Tuesday 6 October 2015

The InBetween: Filming!

So, as you know, I have recently been helping out on a couple of other projects.

Unfortunately I tend to get a bit too invested and ended up running out of time to work on my own project.  I would have loved another week to finish up my script, storyboards and get an animatic out but this ended up being impossible.

Despite the lack of planning and last minute availability issues the shoot ended up going mostly smoothly.  There are a few shots I am not completely happy about but for the most part I have some quality footage.  My actors did a great job!

John created a set piece for me which should help out with some of my compositing but I have a huge amount of post production work still to do.

The Ledge, made by the talented John Mellor!
Bring on the Roto!

On a positive note I have a rough edit completed which is approaching picture lock.  I found it beneficial to edit directly to music due to the nature of this project so spent some time finding a suitable track.  I found it impossible to concentrate at SIT in the noisy lab so ended up editing at home instead!

Environment-wise I have heaps to do still but I have some nice bricks!!

Mudbox is great for these kind of textures so I made 3 paint and 3 sculpted variations. I am so pleased to have a decent computer and software at home to be able to do this kind of thing!

Sculpting in Mudbox

Building Pillars

I filmed one of my scenes in the Rose Garden at Queens Park which has these awesome brick columns with vines growing up them.  So to link the different areas of my world I thought bricks were a good way to go.

In the image above you can see I have begun to create vines too!  Things are still a little clean looking at the moment but I'll get to that later! (No spec maps here yet!!)

Rose Garden

Editing... Oh look more bricks :p

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