Friday 30 May 2014

VFX= Tent Sewing, Set moving and Rock Collecting. Who Knew?

Over the last two days I have sewn tent covers.  Ok, so that's not all I have been up to- I've also helped with moving sets to our filming locations and today I helped collect a pile of rocks for set dressing.

These are two of the four tent covers.  They still need a bit more work, my job for tonight.

I don't mind helping with these kind of things.  It's nice to have sometime away from screens and computers and to get outside on occasion. 

I am a little worried about the pile of VFX work we will still have to do though once we have got this all filmed.  We are all going to have to do some serious juggling of our time between Bones of Essimer and our own personal projects.

I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with an idea for my personal project.  I have lots of possibilities and ideas that I didn't use in the past that I could have another look at.  But I do feel that there is probably a good reason I choose not to use them already.  Maybe I'm overthinking it.

On a side note- you know you are sleep deprived when you try to open a gate towards a hill, and can't figure out why it won't move....

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