Monday 17 February 2014

Getting Started

This blog will document my progress throughout my third and final year as an animation student. 

Today I've been thinking about our game cinematic, and I have found some great blog posts as a good starting point for looking at some existing cinematics.

30 Badass Video Game Cinematics:
The author has collected 30 Game Cinematics to showcase in this post from 2011.  This is an older post so misses some of the newer releases, but what I have seen here so far is high quality.   I haven't had the time to look at them all yet but what I have seen so far is very impressive.  There are two follow on posts from this, each containing another 30 cinematics, so there is plenty here to keep me busy for a while.

Another, more recent compilation from another site lists what the blogger sees as the 10 Greatest Video Game Trailers of 2013.  This will also be worth a closer look later.

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